If LegoRR.icd has a size that isn't 0, then welp you're out of luck - it needs the disk to run and Win10 does not like that at all. This begs the question 'How do I know when I can't even get it to launch' - if LegoRR.icd is 0kB size then it does not need the disk to run. It is almost impossible (you will need to screw around very heavily with an XP Virtual Machine and even then that's doubtful).
Make sure LRR does not need the disk to run. As part of the initial setup, delete the shortcuts that come installed ("Basic" and "Advanced" - you won't need 'em) It's also a good idea to go into Control Panel -> Folder Options and 'Show extensions for known file types' or something. While you're here, it's a good idea to just make about five backups. Windows 10 hates people mucking around with Program Files, and you'll need to do a lot of mucking - so put it somewhere safe. Dig up your game directory and move it to somewhere out of Program Files, like My Documents. Optionally, create multiple copies of Rock Raiders either for backup purposes or for installing or creating different mods. This helps avoid dealing with administrator permission prompts when adding, editing, or removing files. Copy the entire Rock Raiders folder to a location outside of the Program Files directory. By default, it installs to LEGO Media\Games\Rock Raiders in the Program Files folder, which is typically C:\Program Files on 32-bit computers or C:\Program Files (x86) on 64-bit computers. Locate the directory LEGO Rock Raiders is installed to.
This guide is intended to help run it on newer computers. LEGO Rock Raiders is an early 3dfx-only game with rushed development and no post-release updates, leading to an unstable experience on modern versions of Microsoft Windows. Please excuse the mess and do not mark for deletion. This article is an unfinished work in progress or contains transferred information that needs to be rewritten or reformatted to fit our standards.